Mambo matatu ambayo hutakiwi kabisa kumwambia mwanamke!!!

When your with your woman, there are things your not supposed to say to her as they will make her upset and cause you a big trouble. So to avoid getting into trouble with your woman here are the top three deadliest things you can never ever tell a woman; 
3 Things You Should Never Say To A Woman
1. My Ex Used To Do This In Bed
We've all got our sexual fetishes. There is no reason not to express those to your sexual partner. A guy just can't say to his current lover that his former lover did a certain thing, it turned him on, and therefore he wants her to start doing it. Nothing kills the mood faster than making her think about your ex-girlfriend.
2. I Don't Like Your Friends
You don't like her friends. It happens. It actually happens often. In fact, she doesn't really like your friends, but she probably won't come right out and say it. Unless the women she spends time with are horrible influences on her life, or do things to jeopardize your relationship, there is really nothing you can do about her circle of friends. 
3. Are You Getting Fat - Are You Putting On Weight
This one barely needs explanation. If she's put on weight, chances are she's already well aware of that herself. The last thing she needs is for her boyfriend to point it out.
Mambo matatu ambayo hutakiwi kabisa kumwambia mwanamke!!! Mambo matatu ambayo hutakiwi kabisa kumwambia mwanamke!!! Reviewed by habari motto on 6:20 PM Rating: 5
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