5 Places You Probably Dint Know Women Want To Be Touched During Love Making

6. Palms Of Her Hands
People often use their hands as tools to please their partners, but rarely do they consider the pleasure potential of stimulating the hands themselves. The palm of a woman’s hand is an innocuous spot to focus a little attention on without making people around you uncomfortable. Tracing your finger along her palm will give her delightful shivers and make you appear sensitive and attentive.

7. Earlobes
Touching, kissing and even lightly biting the earlobes of your woman will up the bliss factor for her. These delicate, soft lobes are very sensitive and most women thoroughly enjoy the sensation of having a man’s lips on them. You can nibble around the outside of the rest of her ear as well,
but for courtesy’s sake avoid jamming your tongue inside her ear.

8. Feet
Pulp Fiction taught us that rubbing the feet of another man’s wife may be an offense punishable by being thrown out a window, so the sensual appeal of a foot massage is obvious. There are few better ways to help her relax than to give her feet a good rub, especially if her job requires her to be on them all day. Do it right and grab some massage oil or lotion. Don’t forget to pay some attention to her toes, ankles and the sides of her feet too. Some women really enjoy having their toes sucked, but others find it repulsive, so asking first is a good idea before putting them in your mouth.

9. Inner Thighs
Touching her inner thighs without venturing into the vag!nal area will make for an excellent tease that is sure to get her revved up. Use your hands and mouth to caress and kiss the insides of her thighs, getting excruciatingly close to her ultimate pleasure spot, but pulling back before going all the way.
10. Pelvis
Concentrating some affection on her pelvis is a great idea, however, you’ll have to resist the urge to slip down to her vagina while you’re so close. Like teasing her inner thighs, kissing and licking around her pelvis will excite her until she’s begging for more. Prolong the sensation by leaving the region to focus on another body part for a while. 

5 Places You Probably Dint Know Women Want To Be Touched During Love Making 5 Places You Probably Dint Know Women Want To Be Touched During Love Making Reviewed by habari motto on 10:06 AM Rating: 5
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